Discover the Healing Power of Nature's Crystal Allies

What is Crystal Healing?

Crystal healing is the art of placing stones on and around the physical body (or environment) to promote an energetic shift in the body, mind, and spirit.

Crystal healing balances and aligns your energy centers and assists in removing any energetic blocks that may manifest as physical, emotional, or spiritual issues.

Crystals have the natural ability to conduct energy and act as conduits for the universal healing energy of light.

The stable energetic vibration from crystals can be used to realign and direct the flow of energy with the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, returning them to a state of health and wholeness.

Crystal healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but rather to complement and enhance it. You should always consult a medical professional when needed.

As a Reiki Master, I channel Reiki energy when working with people. I use the crystals to enhance the session. So no matter which crystal healing session you book, you're also getting a reiki session, too!

Crystal Healing Services

Crystal Chakra Healing

I work with 9 chakras and the goal is to open underactive chakras while balancing overactive chakras. This is great to do on a monthly or quarterly basis. The process takes about 60 minutes and includes an oracle card reading.

$65 for one session

$365 for six sessions - save $25

$600 for ten sessions - save $50

Crystal Healing - Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual

Potential conditions include stress, anxiety, and depression, self-love, letting go, as well as supporting specific physical ailments and your own spiritual journey. The process is 60 minutes and includes an oracle card reading.

$65 for one session

$365 for six sessions - save $25

$600 for ten sessions - save $50

Custom Grids, Elixirs, and Sprays

Consultations for both grids and elixirs/sprays/essences is $45, plus the cost of your spray or grid. Please see below.

Grids include the crystals, a paper grid, cleansing of the crystals, and instructions on how to set up and activate your grid once you get it home. The cost can vary greatly; the final cost will be given once crystals are identified and sourced. We can go from there and adjust as needed, but expect anywhere from $50 - $100+. These are custom and oftentimes require me to source crystals from vendors which can take up to four weeks.

A personalized elixir/essence/spray requires a consultation and is $15 - $30 depending on the bottle size (2 oz or 4 oz).

Standard Sprays and Essences

I have a variety of sprays that are available in both 2 oz or 4 oz sizes. They are:

Sacred Space Clearing Spray - 2 oz @ $10/ 4 oz @ $18

Self Love Essence Spray - 2 oz @ $10/ 4 oz @ $18

Success Essence Spray - 2 oz @ $10/ 4 oz @ $18

Protection Essence Spray - 2 oz @ $10/ 4 oz @ $18

All of the standard formulas include herbs, associated crystal chips, and are charged with moon energy and reiki. They are blessed before they are mailed out.

To order, please email me at or follow me on social media or join me in my Facebook group here.

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